Gender Affirming Surgery


Claiming Your Self-Confidence With Gender Affirming Surgery

For those on the road toward fully understanding and thriving in their transgender identity, male-to-female gender-affirming surgery—also known broadly as top surgery—can be a pivotal moment in many transgender women’s lives. That’s because it not only has a profound impact on their physical appearance but also a real and tangible positive effect on their mental health […]

Claiming Your Self-Confidence With Gender Affirming Surgery Read More »

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What to expect during your consultation…

1. Get to know Dr. Hunsicker.

2. Discuss your unique goals and concerns.

3. Learn about our services and specialties.

“My Experience has been amazing. Dr. Hunsicker is kind, caring and knowledgeable. I had an abdominoplasty and am thrilled with the results. The post-op care was phenomenal as well. Enjoyable experience.”


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