
mother and daughter smiling

What’s in a Mommy Makeover?

Childbirth is hard on the body, and many women find it difficult or impossible to get their old shape back after having children. The breasts may deflate and sag, the abdominal muscles may loosen and separate, and vaginal atrophy may cause dryness, itching, and irritation. A mommy makeover is designed to address multiple areas of

What’s in a Mommy Makeover? Read More »

Labiaplasty or Mona Lisa Touch®—Which Rejuvenation Option Is Right for You?

As a woman’s body ages, it goes through a lot of changes, but not all these changes are noticeable in the mirror. Childbirth, menopause, and aging in general can significantly impact our most intimate body parts, leaving us feeling self-conscious, uncomfortable and inhibited. It can have a negative effect on our relationships and even the

Labiaplasty or Mona Lisa Touch®—Which Rejuvenation Option Is Right for You? Read More »

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What to expect during your consultation…

1. Get to know Dr. Hunsicker.

2. Discuss your unique goals and concerns.

3. Learn about our services and specialties.

“My Experience has been amazing. Dr. Hunsicker is kind, caring and knowledgeable. I had an abdominoplasty and am thrilled with the results. The post-op care was phenomenal as well. Enjoyable experience.”


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