As recently reported in a Skin & Allergy News article, teenagers who undergo cosmetic surgery have greatly improved recovery periods and healing rates.
In addition, it was also determined that patients under the age of 18 have cosmetic surgery procedures at a more even break across genders. While over 90% of adult cosmetic procedures are performed on women, the split is more balanced for the 18 and under patient population. Closer to one third of all cosmetic procedures for patients under age of 18 are performed on males.
Common Cosmetic Procedures for Teens and Children include Otoplasty, Rhinoplasty and Male Breast Reduction
Although only 1.4% of cosmetic procedures are performed on patients who are 18 or younger, this number is still almost 35,000 surgical procedures. Most of these procedures are done to address clear physical issues that pose a potential psychological issue for patients.
Dr. Mary H. McGrath, who was interviewed for this article, stated that, “When we do cosmetic surgery in teenagers, it is remarkably conflict free, compared with other medical interventions in teenagers, and compared with other age groups.” In Dr. McGrath’s words, they tend to “sail through surgery more easily.”
One possible reason for this may be the dramatic physical changes which are already occurring at this time. This may mean that the body is already primed to deal with healing and physical changes.
For patients 18 years and younger, the most common cosmetic procedures are:
- Otoplasty: Nearly 11,000 surgical corrections of the ears were performed in 2011, with 34% of them on male patients
- Rhinoplasty: 9,500 nose jobs were performed in 2011, 20% of which were for male patients
- Breast augmentation, liposuction, breast reduction, and male breast reduction were also common
Generally, for patients younger than 18 years of age, cosmetic surgery such as breast augmentation or rhinoplasty is performed to address an obvious physical deformity or condition, such as severely imbalanced breasts or breathing conditions partially caused by nasal anatomy.