Breast Reconstruction

Know Your Breast Reconstruction Options

Research shows that seven out of 10 women are not aware of their options after having a mastectomy. If you are undergoing a mastectomy, we encourage you to take some time to learn about different breast reconstruction options available to you. Few women are aware that there are actually several types of breast reconstruction procedures, but not all patients are candidates for every procedure.

Here are some breast reconstruction options that may be right for you.

Traditional Breast Reconstruction with a Tissue Expander and Implant

This is a staged breast reconstruction procedure where we place a tissue expander at the time of your mastectomy and then perform a second surgery with a breast implant at a later date. The tissue expander helps to stretch the breast tissues enough to accommodate for the new implant.

Immediate Implant Reconstruction

Also known as direct-to-implant reconstruction, this procedure involves placing a breast implant at the time of your mastectomy so you can emerge from surgery without being concerned about your appearance. This approach reduces the need for additional surgeries and offers many positive benefits. However, not all women will have sufficient breast skin or tissue for this procedure.

DIEP, TRAM, Latissimus Flap Reconstruction

These procedures involve using muscle flaps from other parts of the body to create a breast mound. This procedure can be performed at the time of your mastectomy and produces very natural-looking results.

Fat Transfer Reconstruction

We perform this procedure by transferring your own body fat from another part of the body to the breast. A fat transfer can be performed to reconstruct the breast mound, or as a touch-up procedure to enhance the look of the breasts. “We can lipo the body, take the fat, and inject it into that area”, says Dr. Hunsicker. Another benefit of the fat grafting procedure is that it can be performed at any stage of breast reconstruction and be used to correct ripples or visible inconstancies after any type of breast enhancement procedure.

You have several options for breast reconstruction in Denver after a mastectomy and we want our patients to be informed about different techniques and procedures available to them well before their surgery. Learn more about breast reconstruction in Denver by scheduling your private consultation with Dr. Hunsicker toda

Schedule A Consultation

Please fill out the form below or give us a call to schedule your appointment.

What to expect during your consultation…

1. Get to know Dr. Hunsicker.

2. Discuss your unique goals and concerns.

3. Learn about our services and specialties.

“My Experience has been amazing. Dr. Hunsicker is kind, caring and knowledgeable. I had an abdominoplasty and am thrilled with the results. The post-op care was phenomenal as well. Enjoyable experience.”


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