Why Women Choose Labiaplasty

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Labiaplasty is a procedure where labia minora (the inner labia) and labia majora (the outer labia) are re-shaped and reduced through minor plastic surgery. These “lips” of tissue surround and protect the vulva. Some women have labia that are uncomfortably long, large or protruding.

There are many reasons why a woman may choose to pursue labiaplasty. Some common reasons include those listed below.

  • Intimacy concerns: Sexual pleasure can be interfered with by enlarged labia. These prolonged labia may cause discomfort when having sexual intercourse, and they may cause self-conscious feelings.
  • Discomfort: The enlarged labia can sometimes cause discomfort during exercise. The issue with rubbing, irritation, and visibility may be resolved by labiaplasty surgery.
  • Cosmetic reasons: Most women tend to be embarrassed, not only during intimacy but also when wearing tight clothes that will show their lower body parts. You can wear workout clothes, yoga pants, skinny jeans and other form-fitting garments with confidence after labiaplasty.

Statistics show labiaplasty has increased in popularity in recent years. The only way to know if it’s right for you is to visit our experienced plastic surgeon Dr. Lisa Hunsicker.

Signs that Labiaplasty may Benefit You

If you experience one or more of the following, we encourage you to consult Dr. Lisa Hunsicker about your candidacy for labiaplasty, as it may provide the relief, freedom of movement and improved self-esteem you need and deserve:

  • You experience physical discomfort caused by long or stretched labial tissue
  • You are self-conscious when changing in a public place such as a gym or club because of this issue
  • You experience pain and irritation
  • You have discomfort when urinating because of the tissue
  • You experience discomfort during sex, yoga, or during physical activities because of the labia
  • Riding a bicycle and other sports are uncomfortable or impossible

During a private, confidential consultation with our board-certified plastic surgeon, you and she can discuss what you are experiencing and the changes you are hoping to make. Dr. Hunsicker will be able to determine whether labiaplasty can help.

What Women Should Expect from The Surgery

During the procedure, Dr. Hunsicker uses a state-of-the-art technique to reduce and re-shape the labia minora and/or majora. The results will look natural, not artificial. It will still be your body that you are used to, but with the improvement of appropriately sized and proportioned labia. We provide complete aftercare instructions so that you know how much time to take off from work, sexual activity, physical activity and other exertion while you heal.

Find Out if You’re a Candidate

You may have always observed a difference in your labia, ever since puberty. Or you may have experienced stretching and elongation following pregnancy or because of the natural aging process. Labiaplasty is an effective way to address labia that cause you discomfort, whether physical, psychological or both. To arrange a consultation with experienced plastic surgeon Dr. Lisa Hunsicker in Denver, CO, please call (720) 283-2500.

Schedule A Consultation

Please fill out the form below or give us a call to schedule your appointment.

What to expect during your consultation…

1. Get to know Dr. Hunsicker.

2. Discuss your unique goals and concerns.

3. Learn about our services and specialties.

“My Experience has been amazing. Dr. Hunsicker is kind, caring and knowledgeable. I had an abdominoplasty and am thrilled with the results. The post-op care was phenomenal as well. Enjoyable experience.”


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