Best Body Contouring Procedures for Your Makeover in Colorado

If you have lost a significant amount of weight after weight loss surgery or with diet and exercise, you probably have some loose skin, stretch marks, and unwanted flab. Undergoing plastic surgery after weight loss can improve your figure and help you achieve a more youthful and attractive silhouette. We perform several different body contouring procedures that can enhance your appearance and restore your body after dramatic weight loss.

Here are some body contouring procedures for your cosmetic makeover in Colorado:

Tummy Tuck

Many men and women who have lost a significant amount of weight need a tummy tuck to get rid of loose skin around the midsection and to restore the abdominal wall. If you are self-conscious about the appearance of your midsection and want a more youthful, toned, and sculpted look, consider getting a tummy tuck to tighten up the muscles and loose skin.

Thigh Lift

Many people experience some sagging of the tissue and skin around the butt and thighs after weight loss. The only way to repair these areas is with a thigh lift or lower body lift. This body contouring procedure involves lifting up the skin and reshaping the tissues to create a more youthful contour. We can even get rid of dimples and stretch marks with this procedure.

Butt Lift

The buttocks are comprised of muscle and fat, so significant weight loss can leave you with sagging skin and volume loss. We can perform a butt lift to tighten and lift the buttocks to a more youthful position, and insert implants to create a more rounded look. Fat grafting procedures can also be effective for treating this area.

Belt Lipectomy

If you have significant loss of skin tone and sagging skin around the hips and thighs, you may be a good candidate for a belt lipectomy. This is a more extensive body contouring procedure that will reshape the hips, thighs, buttocks, and even the lower abdomen. A lower body lift can completely transform your appearance and restore a youthful silhouette.

If you are ready for a full-body makeover Colorado after weight loss, talk to us about a body contouring procedure that can improve your figure. Schedule your body contouring consultation with Dr. Hunsicker today!

Schedule A Consultation

Please fill out the form below or give us a call to schedule your appointment.

What to expect during your consultation…

1. Get to know Dr. Hunsicker.

2. Discuss your unique goals and concerns.

3. Learn about our services and specialties.

“My Experience has been amazing. Dr. Hunsicker is kind, caring and knowledgeable. I had an abdominoplasty and am thrilled with the results. The post-op care was phenomenal as well. Enjoyable experience.”


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