5 Ways Facial Fillers Can Rejuvenate Your Look this Fall

Fall is a great time to take inventory of your skin and invest in a cosmetic procedure or treatment that will freshen up your look. Now that those long summer days are gone, you may notice some premature signs of aging such as deepening wrinkles around your mouth or lower face. If you are self-conscious about frown lines or flattening cheeks, injectable fillers could be just what you need to reverse some of those signs of aging.

The most commonly used facial filler at Revalla Plastic Surgery and Medical Aesthetics contains hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid is a naturally-occurring substance in the body that diminishes as we age. As an injectable gel, filler can act like an inflatable cushion that supports features which may have lost volume over time. It also helps hydrate the surface of the skin to help keep it looking supple and refreshed.

Here are five ways facial fillers can rejuvenate your look this fall:

#1: Erase Lines Around the Mouth

Those moderate to severe lines around the mouth—sometimes called the “parentheses”—can be smoothed out with injectable fillers. We use hyaluronic acid filler, such as Juvederm XC, to treat nasolabial folds and other areas of the face that may be showing early signs of aging.

#2: Plump Up the Lips

The lips can start to thin out as we age and the corners of our mouths can turn down to create an unhappy or somber expression. Don’t overlook the option of getting a lip-plumping treatment with the help of Facial Fillers in Denver. We can inject collagen or hyaluronic acid directly into the lips or corners of the mouth to create a fuller, more pleasant appearance.

#3: Enhance the Jaw Line

Injecting facial fillers in certain facial compartments around the lower face and jaw can create a more youthful appearance and combat the pre-jowl heaviness that can occur over time. We can create younger-looking contours and make it easier to maintain a rejuvenated look with fillers that smooth the jaw line.

#4: Fill Out Marionette Lines

Marionette lines are the small lines that run down the corners of the mouth and give you a tired or unhappy appearance. Smoothing out these lines with facial fillers can create a more pleasant appearance and can make you look a few years younger. Most commonly we use a hyaluronic acid filler such as Juvederm to restore facial volume around the mouth and smooth out the skin.

#5: Restore Cheek Volume Loss

Many people lose fat in the cheeks with age and some even develop hollowed cheeks. We can lift this area and treat the “sunken-look” with Facial Fillers in Denver like Juvéderm Voluma XC, a new filler designed for this exact purpose. Injecting a filler like Voluma in just the right facial compartments can give a natural-looking, feminine face shape for results that last as long as two years.

Are you ready to rejuvenate your look this fall? Talk to Dr. Lisa Hunsicker or our Nurse Practitioner, Colleen Berry, about facial fillers that can enhance your appearance without surgery.

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“My Experience has been amazing. Dr. Hunsicker is kind, caring and knowledgeable. I had an abdominoplasty and am thrilled with the results. The post-op care was phenomenal as well. Enjoyable experience.”


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