
Alloderm is used when a patient’s soft tissue is compromised and does not offer adequate support to the internal body structures. To provide reinforcement, Dr. Hunsicker can implant tissue sheets of Alloderm.

Techniques using Alloderm are very commonly used in breast reconstruction procedures at Revalla Plastic Surgery in South Denver. The product is known as acellular dermal tissue. It is thick, like skin, but has the cells removed. Placing this additional layer under your own skin can provide support, or disguise implant texture or rippling.

A tissue matrix like Alloderm is generally used as needed during some type of reconstructive procedure. If you are undergoing breast reconstruction or corrective breast augmentation, Dr. Hunsicker may recommend Alloderm.

Techniques With Alloderm Acellular Tissue Matrix

Alloderm stimulates natural tissue production to create a scaffolding for extra support during reconstructive surgery. Alloderm is very pliable, making it useful for these purposes. During reconstructive surgery, Dr. Hunsicker shapes, rehydrates, and implant the tissue sheet using absorbable sutures.

During implant-based breast reconstruction, Alloderm is especially useful when a patient lacks the breast tissue needed to support the weight of permanent breast implants. Alloderm helps to create smooth, natural-looking contours of the reconstructed breast. It is also effective during revision breast augmentation procedures that correct complications.

In breast surgery, Alloderm allows Dr. Hunsicker to create an internal bra that helps to prevent implant migration, which can, in turn, preserve the natural breast folds and borders. It can mask ripples and edges that might potentially show when a patient has thin, delicate skin and relatively heavy breast implants.

Alloderm FAQ

Alloderm, made by LifeCell, is a dehydrated sheet of sterile tissue that is donated from human cadaver skin. It is very pliable and versatile for many plastic surgical procedures.

During reconstructive surgery, a sheet of Alloderm is shaped, rehydrated, and implanted using absorbable sutures. Once implanted, it works like a scaffold to support tissue and promote new tissue growth.

Alloderm is only a component of reconstructive surgery. As such, its implantation does not affect the recovery period. The body will not reject the tissue matrix. However, patients are encouraged to stop smoking and cease any activity that would interfere with healing and new tissue growth. Dr. Hunsicker will provide specific instructions for your recovery after reconstructive surgery with Alloderm.

Learn More About Alloderm in South Denver

Dr. Lisa M. Hunsicker has been practicing medicine since 1995. Since 2001, Revalla Plastic Surgery of South Denver has been providing patients with excellent, individualized cosmetic surgery results. We encourage you to call us for a personal consultation with Dr. Hunsicker. Contact us at 720.283.2500 or online to schedule a consultation with Dr. Hunsicker. Together, you can determine if you are a good candidate for surgery with Alloderm.

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1. Get to know Dr. Hunsicker.

2. Discuss your unique goals and concerns.

3. Learn about our services and specialties.

“My Experience has been amazing. Dr. Hunsicker is kind, caring and knowledgeable. I had an abdominoplasty and am thrilled with the results. The post-op care was phenomenal as well. Enjoyable experience.”


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